Front-end Style

In the Front-end Style tab you can:

  • Change the appearance of the contact form by choosing one of the 18 integrated Bootstrap themes, or use your custom Bootstrap based store theme.
  • Select one of the six form wrapper styles or no wrapper.
  • Optionally enable the form title bar and enter a custom form title.
  • Set the maximum form width in pixels.
  • Choose to show the form field labels next to or above the input fields, or to hide the labels.
  • Enable RTL (Right-to-Left) text direction.
  • Modify the ‘success message’ which is displayed on the front-end when a contact form has been successfully submitted.
  • Enter custom form wrapper CSS classes and add CSS rules to customize the form’s front-end style. To customize specific form components, you can enter CSS classes per form field using the Form Builder interface.

contact form front-end style

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