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A frequently asked question related to Magento’s shipping methods is how to set up free shipping on specific products or categories. The first solution that comes to mind is to ...
Installing all Magento versions to test your custom module When testing a Magento module, it's of course necessary to test the module on several Magento versions, ensuring backward...
Turpentine for Magento Varnish and Magento overall work great together when using the Turpentine extension by Nexcess. If you don't know about this excellent extension, check it o...
For most Magento developers, n98-magerun is a blessing. It's a great tool with amazing functionality, that speeds up development time drastically. One particularly handy fun...
Joining an EAV based attribute to a flat table collection in Magento can be tricky sometimes (and very repetitive when joining several attributes). A function to join EAV a...
Sometimes it's necessary to check the indexing times in Magento, especially when it's taking a long time. The Magento indexing system is notorious for being very slow. To check the...
By default it's impossible to load external javascript files in the head of the Magento admin environment. It is possible to rewrite the admin head.php block in order to load exter...
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